532 Ave M NW Winter Haven, FL 33881


"...Zeal for Thy House consumes me..." NAB Psalm 69.10


Chalice and Paten on altar

Goals and Purposes:  

To prepare for the Mass, administration of sacraments, sacred rituals and other liturgical needs of the parish. 


  Attending to the vessels, vestments and  altar accouterments used during the Mass and various sacramental rituals.  May also be required to assist at baptisms, weddings and funerals in conjunction with other lay ministers.  Sacristans act behind the scenes to coordinate people and necessary supplies so that the integral spirituality of sacred events are preserved for the faithful.  They ensure all the necessary elements are in place; candles lit, adequate supplies of wine and altar breads, incense,  even tissues are on hand. 

Helpful Attributes:


Devotion and understanding  of the Order of the Mass and various liturgical and sacramental rites are essential.  Desire to learn about the sacred articles, vessels and their use, care and storage are important. Self motivation for continuing education of historical and future relevance is a plus.

Time Commitment:  


Thirty minutes before and after scheduled Mass.

Training Required:


  Yes, as provided by shadowing senior Sacristans and private study.

Contact Information:

 Jitka Cinibulk in the Church Office