532 Ave M NW Winter Haven, FL 33881

Christ Renews His Parish

Christ Renews His Parish

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Within the next few months an opportunity  to change your life will be presented to you.

Christ Renews His Parish is a spiritual process designed  to bring members of a parish together in Christ for personal renewal within the community.  This Spirit led retreat has been a part of St. Joseph Church for over six years.  Many men and women who have made the weekend retreat return as active participants in parish life, seeing to share their own unique gifts within the church ministries.

CRHP Team 17

You will be cordially invited to share a spiritual weekend at St. Joseph Parish.


Are you feeling a gentle push toward greater involvement as a Catholic Christian?  Do you find that Mass  participation alone will not satisfy your spiritual needs?  Are you wishing that your Sign of Peace would convey what you truly feel it is?  Real love among real friends?  

The Christ Renews His Parish weekend retreat consists of opportunities for Christian witness, community spirituality, scripture, prayer and more.  You will be free to share as much or as little as you like.  You and your needs will always be respected.  Sleeping accommodations, meals and snacks are provided at no cost and the entire weekend is informal.  Special dietary and medical needs are addressed as needed.  There are two retreat weekends offered per year; spring and summer.

 Christ Renews His Parish  The Renewal Weekend

Field Notes from Alumni

"I was invited and was curious about what the experience was about.  It was a powerful experience of deep spirituality that continually blesses me and my fellow CRHP members.  We have grown in spirit and friendship."  

"It was a great experience.  Never has a greater bunch of guys gathered for such a period of time. I hope we can continue to meet as time goes by."  

For more information Call the Church Office