532 Ave M NW Winter Haven, FL 33881





The Church usher's role in the celebration of the Mass is perhaps the most humble ministry imaginable.  Greeting and seating parishioners and attending to parishioner needs.  What else could there be?  Let's see...



Spot check for church cleanliness between masses.

Keep order in the sanctuary.

Count heads for diocesan mass census.

Parishioner and staff liaison; may involve complaint fielding.

Distribute and collect surveys.  Don't forget the golf pencils!

Find lost people, lost stuff and reunite- especially lost binkeys!

Be alert for any emergency - real or imagined.

Mobilize staff, equipment to protect and aid people.

Provide weekly service reports.

Provide tissues, band-aids, kind words and hugs.

Cue gift bearers for offertory process to altar. Distribute bulletins and programs.

Collect gifts and bring to altar.

Do all the above without attracting notice

Do all the above without losing cool.

Be the first to arrive and the last to leave.


It could be that our ushers are so efficient that we don't notice all they do until we are recipients of their ministry.  They're sort of like the Secret Service because a lot of what is done is behind the scenes and noted by only One.  And He that sees this humble job done well in secret?  Well, he repays in secret too. 



 Think you have what it takes to be part of the Team?

 Helpful Attributes: Humility, courtesy, cordiality and patience.

Time Commitment: Weekly Mass of your choice.  May include special liturgies such as weddings and funerals

Training: Provided

Fingerprinting requirement: Required

For more information contact: The Church Office