532 Ave M NW Winter Haven, FL 33881



 "The word of God does not dwell in the communal reading but in the communal hearing." 

Before each Mass, Readers carefully prepare themselves to 
Proclaim the Word of the Lord 
as God's servant.  Inspired by the lives of the prophets and apostles that they study and inflamed by the same ever burning Spirit, today's Lector is instrumental in bringing the century's old truths and enlightenment to life for the Assembly.     

Responsibilities: Read, practice and prepare for oral reading from the Gospel lectern.   Must be able to correctly pronounce difficult words and names in a clear, articulate voice with awareness of projection dynamics from a microphone.

Helpful Attributes: Be blessed with a clearly understood voice.  Enjoy public speaking.  Love of reading helpful, especially when coupled with professional work ethic.  Must be a confirmed practicing Catholic.

Training Requirements: Audition reading for Lector Coordinator.  Must attend a Lector workshop.

Time Commitment:  Approximately two Sundays a quarter and sufficient preparation time.

Meeting Times:  Periodically, as announced.

Fingerprinting:  Required

Coordinator: Lamar Edwards